Opp or Drop
Cop or Drop is a term coined by sneakerheads around 2019. Cop means that you would get the sneakers and add them to your collection, while drop means that you wouldn't purchase the sneaker even for resale purposes.
People feel pressured to own premium sneakers as they fear being judged and losing their sense of belonging within the community.
The Problem
The absence of owning premium, limited-edition sneakers leads to exclusion and lack of recognition, creating a significant barrier to social belonging and acceptance within communities where footwear plays a defining role.
The Solution
To strategically address the social issue of exclusion and lack of recognition due to the absence of premium sneakers. By creating a Transmedia Marketing Campaign that leverages the power of community engagement, inclusivity, and empowerment.
For this concept “cop” substituted with opp (opportunity). The sneakerhead will therefore be given the chance to change someone’s life for the better. This concept will be focused around getting sneakerheads to see that they aren’t just giving their sneakers away but rather giving someone an opportunity that they otherwise would have never come across.
Group Members
Laeeqah Cassim, Copywriter
Irshad Abrahams, Graphic Designer
Daniel Banda, Digital Designer
Case Study Video
Showcasing my videography, photography, editing and UI / UX Design.